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Looking for a new installation or monthly maintenance? Look no further. At Your Personal Gardener & Arborist, we can help you with all of your outdoor needs. We strive at helping you not only create the landscape of your dreams, but also maintaining your landscape. For more information on landscape maintenance, come explore our wide range of maintenance care packages.
Garden Clean-Ups
Garden Restoration & Renovation
Mulching, Compost, & Soil Amendment Application
Perennial Maintenance
Shrub Pruning
Installation of Trees, Shrubs, Perennials & Annuals.
Native Prairie Installation
Invasive Species Removal
Your Personal Gardener & Arborist
Year After Year
With landscaping and outdoor maintenance, the cycle of installation, maintenance, and restoration/renovation never truly ends. At Your Personal Gardener & Arborist, we understand this and are excited to not only help you create your new garden and landscape, but to help you maintain and keep it looking its best season after season.

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